
Showing posts from March, 2020

Fear Or A Sound Mind?

Painting by Sara Hancock (used with permission) COVID-19 and the state of emergencies have caused widespread distress. Fear and anxiety are rampant, and bordering on panic. Rapidly dwindling stock in stores has amplified fear. I must admit, when I saw Dollar General’s empty shelves, it unnerved me. In fact, I teared up as I realized just how much our lives have changed in only a few days. When we should be focusing on our upcoming Resurrection Day celebrations, we are smacked in the face with a pandemic and FEAR. In response, some believers have shouted the first part of II Timothy 1:7, saying, “The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear ...” While this is true, these believe we should not cancel church, etc. because we can trust God to keep us healthy. God is able to keep us healthy just as he was able to keep the three Hebrews safe in the fiery furnace. [1] But, the world sees this as being irresponsible.