Good OR Bad News?
“I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?” Maybe you’re thinking, “I only want good news. I’m tired of the bad.” I fully understand. So, here's my good news: God gave us the bad news first. What? Yes, Almighty God established a LAW —man broke it— SIN entered the world and brought a penalty— DEATH —both physical and spiritual. Physical bodies age and eventually return to dust. For Adam, that took 930 years. However, his spiritual death—separation from this Holy God—began immediately. Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God ; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” That’s a lot of bad news. And I know you’ve heard it all before. But please stick with me. I do have a point. You see, if there were no good news to follow the bad, we would be doomed and rightly proclaim, “…Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!” [1] Thankfully, God followed His bad news with Good News, wh