Thanksgiving of Your Own Free Will
T H A N K S G I V I N G O F Y O U R O W N F R E E W I L L Last week I became nostalgic, thinking of Thanksgivings past. I remembered the song we always sang at this time of year “ Over the River and Through the Woods ”. However, as I reviewed the lyrics in my memory, I found it hard to relate to Thanksgiving. Turns out, I only remembered the first verse and I bet you do too. Verse 1 Over the river and through the woods, To grandmother's house we go; The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh, Through (the) white and drifted snow! Over the river and through the woods, Oh, how the wind does blow! It stings the toes and bites the nose, As over the ground we go. I thought it strange a song we sang at Thanksgiving seemed better suited for Christmas, so I did some digging. The second verse actually mentions our wonderful holiday and the third pays homage to the one dessert everyone in America associates with Thanksgiving – Pumpkin Pie